What is Veterans Day?

Unknown Sunday, November 10, 2013

Veterans Day is an annual United States holiday honoring military veterans. It is a federal holiday that is observed on November 11. Armistice Day or Remembrance Day in other parts of the world also fall on November 11, the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I.

You might also find it interesting that the study of wild birds’ many survival techniques has been integral to the establishment of many military improvements.
  1. Birds taught the military about camouflage - The development of camouflage was the result of studying birds and copying how they camouflaged themselves. An American artist and zoologist, Abbott Thayer published a book in 1909 called Concealing Coloration in the Animal Kingdom. This book focused a lot on birds and was widely read by military leaders in an attempt to understand how to camouflage military equipment and troops.
  2. Bird’s eye view gives military advantage – Man followed the birds in to the air. Since the middle of the First World War air warfare has revolutionized military conflict. Airborne supremacy is now a key element to success on the battlefield.
  3. Birds’ migratory V flight pattern adopted by military - A flock of geese can fly 70 percent farther by adopting the V shape rather than flying in isolation. The V formation also gives each bird an unobstructed field of vision, allowing flock members to see each other and communicate while in flight. Fighter pilots often use this formation for the same reason.
  4. Birds’ sentry system serves as an example to protect military members – Many bird species like crows and blue jays use a sentry system to protect members of a group and improve the chances of a good meal. Like birds warn companions of any danger with a distinctive "watchman's song", soldiers keep in regular radio contact with their colleagues to assure them all is well.
  5. Birds were drafted the military - During World War I and World War II, the U.S. military enlisted more than 200,000 pigeons to conduct surveillance and relay messages.
I want to wish everybody out there a peaceful Vetrans Day and a special thanks to all who have served this country!

Related Articles:
• The Bald Eagle is the National Symbol of the USA: What are some other Countries' National Birds http://bit.ly/tCORyh 
• Crows Never Forget a Face - http://t.co/pzsrvb3 
• Why do geese fly in a V formation? http://t.co/OmIn8Nw 
• War Pigeon Remembered http://t.co/5yiXSNS 
• Why is the Dove a Symbol of Peace? http://t.co/Br4EnlB 
• War Birds http://t.co/t7WJp99
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